02 August 2008

Good to be home

I had the opportunity of doing some photo shoots while on our trip which was wonderful for 2 reasons:
1. to cover the crazy cost of gas
2. to get to meet some of George's extended family, who I otherwise would not have met.

I really loved meeting some of his second and third cousins. We haven't been to one of these big Brunt reunions for about 8 years, so it was great to have a reason to meet people and learn faces and names and stories.

I loved meeting Jody and her family. They had been RVing together for a few weeks and said they were sick of each other... but I could tell otherwise.

And now it is great to be home. Laundry, groceries, messes and toys. TV, computers and fighting all resume. But on the good side, we also came home to THIS:

and THIS:

Hurray for construction. Hurray for windows and trenches and diggers and concrete. So curious how our home and the school are so in sync. Hopefully the opening date now for Paul Mitchell the School, Spokane will be November 1, 2008. And our move in date could be as early as Christmas (but probably more like Valentines). Good to be home.


Natalie Jane August 2, 2008 at 12:26 PM  

YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I come visit in December. I will bring a house warming gift and everything.


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