01 December 2008


On the corner of Sprague and Sulli, is a huge inflated Santa - designating that beneath him is a Christmas tree lot. Rori saw this large uncute Santa and immediately said "FU PANNA! FU PANNA." in reference to Jack Black's performance in Kung Fu Panda.

Over the past 2 weeks, the name has varied, only slightly. Until today when it took a whole new direction to "Tinkerbell Fu Panna-Claus."

So we are not sure who is coming this year. A wing-ed miniature panda bear wearing a red hat and coal black boots or a large fat man dressed as a panda bear saying "SKEH - DUSCHE."

Last week for Family Home Evening, I had the kids write letters to Santa (before I did any shopping). My dad provided the letters and the pre-addressed envelopes:

Here is what the kids are asking for this year:

Rori heard Lilli say Barbie - so that works for her as well apparently. Is George's Barbie rendition not the scariest thing you have seen this week?

"Lots of R2D2s..... They kind of look like jellyfish, don't they?"

"20 Number 5 is Alive video games." Anyone??

A remote control dog that knows her name? What age does she think she's living in? Now a notebook... I can support that.

Dexter sat at the table an extra hour or so finishing this masterpiece. Santa - take note.

Happy Shopping, Fu Panna Sanna.



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